Friday, August 1, 2008

split seconds

split seconds
Originally uploaded by ryan linke
in india things just happen right in front of you. this boy ran up to me and held this bird up. i reached into my bag and pulled out my camera. he stood still waiting for me to take the picture. of course he didnt know i had a camera in my bag but he must have known that this image would last in my mind. it was if he was saying "dont forget me." after i took the photo he gave me one last glance and ran off. he never asked me for anything which is where with the steet kids.
this was in bangalore, a place that is dubbed the "silicon valley" of the east. this city is one of the most high tech cities in the world hosting many call centers for big US corporations. the visual dichotomies kept me asking, "how can a city with so much technology and western influence have so much poverty?" there are so many kids on the street that seem to have no chance, no future. the western gears are grinding against the gears of the 3rd world. how will this city react to the rapid change and growing wealth, i hope these kids will not be left out of the new picture.

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